“Never Forget” is a series of short articles that aim to free specific film, television, and video game characters from the eternal damnation that is pop-culture limbo.
Lucas Barton is a character from the classic film (or 90 minute Nintendo commercial), The Wizard. Lucas is a rich asshole that lives somewhere in between the mid-west and “Ca-lee-fornya.” His weapon of choice is the Power Glove, which he uses to defeat Rain Man-like autistic children at Rad Racer. Lucas has a thing for redheads that grow up to be indie songstresses.
Lucas probably hung himself with the cord from his Power Glove after experiencing an embarrassing defeat playing Super Mario 3 at Video Armageddon.
FACT: Before fighting super villains and wearing his hair all emo in the Spiderman films, a young Toby Maguire was once a part of Lucas’ gang in The Wizard.
I love the Power Glove. It’s so bad.
Remember Never Forget: Lucas Barton ?